
Register now as Broker / Trade Consultant / Compiler

Are you wanting to be a part of the first and only
Licensed Customs Broker, Trade Consultant and Compiler Database?

The only service of its kind which is owned and run by Licensed Custom Brokers.

A place to be found and recognized for the professionals truly you are.

We have a new and exciting Business Model which will give you the Individual Nominee, a market place to display and advertise your professional services.

Wanting to supplement you current income by doing a few extra hours per week?

Looking for Locum work?

Are you a Mum or Dad looking for earning potential whilst on Parental leave?

Are you close to retirement and looking for a way to semi retire using your skills acquired over a life time of Customs brokering?

Looking to present yourself to the market as a professional and have us manage your Accounts and Administration, be you own boss?

Are you a compiler or trainee broker, looking for that acquired Experience you need as part of your License Application?

Well now you can!

Your name and other identifying information, due to privacy laws, will only ever be disclosed to 3rd parties when you have given your permission to do so.

Phone Number
Years as Licensed Broker
Industry Experience / Other Experience Please enter details of your experience - limited to 500 words

Member of which Industry Associations

Select all that apply

Commodities of Expertise

CV or Credentials Document

Upload Attachment
{{broker.CVCredentials}} {{broker.CVCredentials}} Remove Attachment
Please upload a copy of your latest CV or Credentials doc (Max Filesize: 50M)

Type or Locum services available for?

Select all that apply

Hours of Availability

Select all that apply - must select at least one


Freight Systems Competency

Select all that apply

Terms and Conditions


Thank you for registering.

